Why is a Fundamentally Religious Idea that fails to explain the Evidence Taught in Science Classes? - 15 Questions for Evolutionists #15
15 Questions for Evolutionists
Why is a fundamentally religious idea, a dogmatic belief system that fails to
explain the evidence, taught in science classes? Karl Popper,
famous philosopher of science, said “Darwinism is not a testable scientific
theory, but a metaphysical [religious] research programme ….”13 Michael Ruse, evolutionist
science philosopher admitted, “Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution
in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.”14If “you can’t teach religion in science
classes”, why is evolution taught? See:
The religious nature of evolution, “It’s not science”.
13. Popper, K., Unended Quest, Fontana, Collins, Glasgow,
p. 151, 1976. Return to text. 14. Ruse, M., How evolution became a religion: creationists correct?
National Post, pp. B1,B3,B7 May 13, 2000.