Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Letter to a Pagan City · Phil Holden

A Letter to a Pagan City

Phil Holden - Edinburgh Creation Group
This video shows incredible footage of Edinburgh's Pagan fire festival, which draws over 12,000 people. It also features photos of a government assisted evolution museum that sells books on astrology, tarot, Feng Shui and ghosts. Phil Holden investigates the rise of Paganism in Edinburgh. Edinburgh was at the centre of the Enlightenment movement and was also the city where Charles Darwin was educated. During the Enlightenment in the 18th century, philosophers and scientists agreed that it was unreasonable to consider that God might be a cause of things. Whilst you might expect the result would be a very rational city, it seems the opposite has happened and Edinburgh appears to be one of Europe's most superstitious cities. Whatever your own perspective: Humanist, New Age, Agnostic or religious this video is worth watching.


Resolution: 640 x 480 (mp4) | 480 x 320 (MP4) | 320 x 240 (MP4) (right click to download)

Also see The Modern Rise of Paganism by Phil Holden