Let the Rocks Speak
Philip Bell
Philip Bell looks at the evidence for the Flood from fossils and many features in the rocks that speak of a global catastrophe.
I realized the last 13 minutes of the video got cut off, so the rest is now below:
Philip Bell
B.Sc. (Hons.), PGCE, CBiol MSB
Creationist Zoologist, ex-Cancer Researcher and Teacher,
CEO, Creation Ministries International (UK/Europe)
Philip has a passion to demolish secular and anti-God philosophies through sound
biblical exposition and Christian apologetics—drawing from his experience
in science, research, education and Christian ministry.
He trusted in Christ as a child and was raised in a strong Christian home to believe
the Bible was the inerrant Word of God. However, during his late teens, he compromised
with secular, evolutionary ideas about origins. During the course of his later,
graduate studies he rejected evolution/millions of years on both scientific and
biblical grounds. He came again to see that the Bible is God’s completely
trustworthy, infallible Word on scientific and historical matters—as well
as on vital matters of Christian faith and conduct.
Education and Professional background:
Philip studied biology and geology at the University of Wales (Swansea) and obtained
a BSc (Hons) degree in zoology. Then he spent nine years in cancer research and
became an active member of the Postgraduate School of Medicine at Bath University,
England. Following this, he obtained a postgraduate teaching qualification (PGCE)
from Exeter University and taught school science (and some religious studies) to
11–18 year olds. He continued to publish occasional cancer research papers
(in secular medical journals) until 2004 and is a contributor to
Journal of Creation, CMI’s website and other periodicals.
Christian ministry activities:
Since 2001, Philip has traveled throughout the UK, Europe and beyond, teaching and
lecturing on Bible/science topics in churches, schools and universities. Up until
June 2006, Philip worked for
Answers in Genesis in the UK as a speaker/writer
and later as Deputy Chief Executive. Currently, he heads up the UK/Europe branch
Creation Ministries International (see
Philip is married with five children—three grown up and two home-schooled—and
is a strong advocate of Christian education.
- B.Sc. (Hons.) in Zoology, 1989, University of Wales (Swansea). Subsidiaries
in geology and botany.
- P.G.C.E, University of Exeter. Postgraduate Certificate of Education (=
Diploma in Education), 1999. Subsidiary course: TEFL (Teaching English as a foreign
- C. Biol. M.S.B. Elected member of Institute of Biology and awarded Chartered
Biologist status, 1995 (reformed as Society of Biology in October 2009).
- Member of the School of Postgraduate Medicine, University of Bath, 1995–1998.
Employment Experience
January 2007–present – CEO,
Creation Ministries International
October 2006–October 2007 – Part-time church worker;
regular pastoral and preaching duties in his local church.
2001–2006 – Speaker and writer, later Deputy Chief
Executive for
Answers in Genesis UK/Europe, Leicester, UK.
1999–2001 – Full time teacher of science (principally
biology) in state secondary schools.
1998–1999 – Teacher training
1989–1998 – Clinical scientist involved in cancer,
leukaemia and lymphoma research; details below:
Philip gained extensive experience in cell culture techniques, new drug screening,
routine light microscopy of all cancers, lymphomas and leukaemias, investigating
cytotoxic drug resistance and cellular apoptosis. Some highlights:
1990–1994—A strong work focus was the research and development of new
assay techniques. With a colleague, co-developed a novel in vitro technology
to aid in micro-cell culture and cytology (OCTOSPOT; now patented and commercially
produced), which was funded by two £100,000 S.M.A.R.T. Awards (1992, 1993)
from the UK’s Department of Trade and Industry, (see technical abstracts/conference
proceedings 7 & 8 below).
1994–1996—primarily involved in research into chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
and clinical drug resistance, involving the writing of papers (see technical secular
papers 1–4, below). The significance of this work is shown by the fact that
papers 1 and 2 are the major support for one arm of the UK MRC (Medical Research
Council) 4th National trial of the treatment of CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic
Leukaemia; sponsored by Leukaemia Research Fund)—see references 8
and 9 on page 28 of the protocol: <www.icr.ac.uk/research/research_sections/haemato_oncology/4459.pdf.>
1996–1998—Single-handedly designed and conducted a project on drug-resistance
in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma; this was work towards a PhD (done while working
full-time) but finished prematurely when funding was curtailed. Philip subsequently
left research and retrained as a school teacher. Nevertheless, the first year’s
work towards his PhD led him to author two papers (see tech. secular papers 5 and
6), one of which has become the definitive paper on a particular monoclonal antibody
to the B-cell receptor CD79a, for distinguishing blood cells of an aggressive, poor-prognosis
lymphoma from the very similar cells of the much more indolent chronic lymphocytic
leukaemia—widely cited by all immunobiological suppliers of this antibody
worldwide, e.g.
http://www.antibodies-online.com/antibody/118795/CD79a FITC Human/,
http://www.antikoerper-online.de/antibody/118795/CD79a FITC Human/,
This paper is also referenced in the 7th edition (2005) of the standard
text Williams Hematology, Chapter 92: Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and
related diseases. It appears as reference no. 297 here (on p. 1373 of the book):
Postscript: Philip’s long-standing interest in the uses of
co-culturing a cancer patient’s normal and malignant cells in order to establish
ex vivo therapeutic index (see tech. abstracts 4 and 9), led to him
co-authoring two major papers on this subject in 2002 and 2004 (see tech. secular
papers 7 and 8 below), while working full-time as a creationist speaker and writer.
Technical articles in secular medical/science journals
Book Chapter
Bosanquet AG &
Bell PB. Handling requirements to achieve active
drugs in
in vitro drug sensitivity and resistance assays
. In:
Kaspers GJL, Pieters R, Twentyman PR, Weisenthal LM, Veerman AJP (Eds) "
Drug resistance
in leukemia and lymphoma. The clinical value of laboratory studies." London:
Harwood 1993; 227–255.
- Bosanquet AG & Bell PB. Enhanced ex vivo drug sensitivity
testing of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia using refined DiSC assay methodology. Leukemia
Research 1996; 20: 143–153.
- Bosanquet AG & Bell PB. Novel ex vivo analysis of
nonclassical, pleiotropic drug resistance and collateral sensitivity induced by
therapy provides a rationale for treatment strategies in CLL. Blood 1996;
87: 1962–1971.
- Bosanquet AG, Bell PB, Burlton AR, Amos AS. Correlation of bcl-2
with P-glycoprotein expression in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and other haematological
neoplasms but of neither marker with ex vivo chemosensitivity or patient
survival. Leukemia and Lymphoma 1996; 24: 141–147.
- Bosanquet AG, Burlton AR, Bell PB, Harris AL. Ex vivo
cytotoxic drug evaluation by DiSC assay to expedite identification of clinical targets:
results with 8-chloro-cAMP. British Journal of Cancer 1997; 76: 511–518.
- Bell PB, Rooney N, Bosanquet AG. CD79a detected by ZL7.4 separating
chronic lymphocytic leukemia from mantle cell lymphoma in leukemic phase. Communications
in Clinical Cytometry 1999; 38: 102–105.
- Bosanquet AG, Bell PB, Rooney N. Effect of interleukin-2 on CD95
(Fas/APO-1) expression in fresh chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and mantle cell lymphoma
cells: relationship to ex vivo chemoresponse. Anticancer Research 1999;
19: 5329–5334.
- Bosanquet AG, Burlton AR, Bell PB. Parameters affecting the ex
vivo cytotoxic drug sensitivity of normal human cells. Journal of Experimental Therapeutics
and Oncology 2002; 2: 53–63.
- Bosanquet AG & Bell PB. Ex vivo therapeutic index by drug sensitivity
assay using fresh human normal and tumour cells: a potential surrogate for patient
toxicity and sensitivity. Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology
2004; 4: 145–154.
Abstracts/Conference Proceedings
- Bosanquet AG, Boullier BA, Bell PB, Taylor AR, Betteridge RF. Recent
developments in the treatment of leukaemias using the Differential Staining Cytoxicity
(DiSC) assay. British Journal of Cancer 1991; 63 (Suppl XIII): 31.
- Bosanquet AG, Bell PB, Taylor AR, Chadwick J, Phillips MJ, Johnson
SAN. Correlation of clinical response to fludarabine with DiSC assay result.
British Journal of Cancer 1991; 64 (Suppl XV): 28.
- Bosanquet AG, Taylor AR, Bell PB. Lack of cross resistance between
aclarubicin and other anthracyclines: should choice of anthracyclines be made by
DiSC assay? British Journal of Cancer 1992; 65 (Suppl XVI): 29.
- Bosanquet AG & Bell PB. Variable in vitro therapeutic
index found by DiSC assay with fresh human tumour cells. Br J Cancer 1992;
66 (Suppl XVII): 19.
- Bosanquet AG, Bell PB, Taylor AR. In vitro DiSC assay
results on fresh human cells suggest a trial of amsacrine in chronic lymphocytic
leukaemia. Annals of Oncology 1992; 66 (Suppl XVII): 19.
- Bosanquet AG, Burlton AR, Bell PB, Talbot D, Harris AL. The
in vitro drug sensitivity of 8-chloro-cAMP in leukemia and lymphoma. Br J Cancer
1994; 69: 1187.
- Bosanquet AG, Bell PB, Burlton AR, Harris AL, Talbot D. New drug
screening by DiSC assay. Technical improvements and results with vinorelbine and
8-chloro-cAMP. Annals of Oncology 1994; 5 (Suppl 5): 78.
- Bosanquet AG & Bell PB. New methodology improves the DiSC,
MTT and FMC in vitro drug sensitivity assays for determining an individual
patient’s drug sensitivity profile. Rev. Invest. Clin. 1994; 272.
[see also: Proc. Internat. Soc. Hematol., 1994]
- Bosanquet AG, Bell PB, Burlton AR. In vitro therapeutic
index of fresh human tumor and normal cells identified by Differential Staining
Cytotoxicity (DiSC) assay. Implications for Phase II/III trials. Proceedings of
American Association for Cancer Research 1994; 35:368.
- Bosanquet AG, Mason JM, Drummond MF, Whiteley G, Bell PB, Burlton
AR. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of DiSC assay directed therapy in chronic
lymphocytic leukaemia. British Journal of Haematology 1994; 186 (Suppl
1): 75.
- Bosanquet AG, Amos AS, Bell PB, Burlton AR, Greaves MF. Comparison
of BCL-2 and MDR-1 levels in in vitro drug sensitivies by DiSC assay in
B-cell and other malignancies. Br. J. Haematol. 1994; 87 (Suppl 1): 83.
- Bosanquet AG, Burlton AR, Bell PB, Pleiotropic drug resistance
with collateral sensitivity induced by treatment in CLL is unrelated to classical
resistance mechanisms, Eg. MDR, GST, MRP. 2nd
International Symposium, Drug Resistance in Leukemia and Lymphoma, 1995.
- Bosanquet AG, Burlton AR, Bell PB. In vitro radioresponse
by DiSC assay of malignant cells using a laboratory cell irradiator. Proceedings
of the Röntgen Centenary Congress 1995; 456.
- Bosanquet AG, Bell PB, Burlton AR, Whiteley G, Bosanquet MI.
Ex vivo drug sensitivity testing aids informed decision making for drug therapy
of leukaemia and cancer. Report of: Scientific Basis for Health Services, International
Conference, 2–4 October, 1995.
- Bosanquet AG, Burlton AR, Bell PB. Ex vivo activity profile
of gamma-linolenic acid and cross-resistance with anthracyclines, antimetabolites,
alkylators, steroids, vincristine and radiosensitivity. Proceedings of American
Association for Cancer Research 1997; 38:104 (#694).
Creation science articles
Selected Creation magazine articles
- Mudskippers—marvels of the mud-flats! Creation 34(2):48–50, 2012.
- A New Weed Species:
Does it prove Creation Wrong? Creation 25(3):27, 2003.
- Evolution Revolution, Creation
25(3):31, 2003.
- Bishop Bell’s Brass Behemoths!
Creation 25(4):40–44, 2003.
- Genetic Engineers Unwind
Species Barrier. But have they Reversed Evolution? Creation 25(4):52–53,
- Resurrecting a ‘Prehistoric’
horse, Creation 26(2):46–51, 2004.
- Horse-shoe Crab Meets ET? Creation
26(4):24–25, 2004.
- From Pagan to ‘New Age’ Missionary.
Creation 26(4):52–55, 2004.
- The Super-Senses of Oilbirds—Bizarre
Birds Elude an Evolutionary Explanation, Creation 28(1):38–41,
- ‘Evolutionary Stasis’, Double-speak and
Propaganda. Creation 28(2):38–40, 2006.
- Surgeon With a Mission: To Make the Evolution
Myth Extinct, Creation 29(1):52–55, 2006.
- The tale of the hummingbird and the starling, Creation 31(1):20–21,
2009. (Pre-publication version)
- Of Snakes, Lizards and Mosasaurs—Evolutionists
Puzzle over Snake Origins, Creation 31(3):15–17,
- Snakes: Designed to Kill? Creation
31(4):47, September 2009.
- Expert engineer eschews “evolutionary
design”, Creation 32 (1):35-37, January 2010.
- Rock-solid butter! Creation 33(1):40–41, January
Selected Journal of Creation (formerly Creation
Ex Nihilo Technical Journal and TJ) articles
- Apoptosis: cell ‘death’
reveals Creation, Journal of Creation 16(1):90–102,
- The Non-evolution of Apoptosis, Journal
of Creation 18(1):86–96, 2004.
Perspectives and other articles:
- The Portrayal of
Creationists by their Evolutionist Detractors, Journal of Creation
16(2):46–53, 2002.
Pattern of Programmed Cell Death in Bat Wing Membrane—Support for Evolution?
Journal of Creation 21(1):3–4, 2007.
Book Reviews:
- Evolution for Dummies,
Journal of Creation 16(1):36–40, 2002. Review of
Why Elephants have Big Ears. Understanding the Patterns of Life on Earth,
by Chris Lavers (2001).
- Contentious Fossils,
Journal of Creation 17(2):29–33, 2003. Review of
Bone of Contention: Is Evolution True? By Sylvia Baker (2003).
- Magnifying Evolutionary
Problems, Journal of Creation 18(3):41–45, 2004.
Review of Evolution under the Microscope, by David Swift (2002).
- Debunking the Molecules-to-man
Myth, Journal of Creation 19(3):45–50, 2005.
Review of One Small Speck to Man, by Vij Sodera (2003).
- Atheist with a Mission,
Journal of Creation 21(2):28–34, 2007.
- Book review: The
magic of reality by Richard Dawkins
Other articles
Apemen, ‘Missing Links’ & the Bible, CMI
Evolution Impossible, CMI
The Case for Creation, Vij Sodera Production
Battle for the Mind, CMI
Design, Death and Suffering, CMI
- Evolutie? Kijk naar de Feiten! (Dutch; Evolution? Face the Facts!)
- Het Belang van Genesis in de Godsdienstige Opvoeding (Dutch; The
importance of Genesis in the education of faith), Mediagroep in Genesis.
- Hoe kan ik weten dat God Bestaat? (Dutch; How can I know God exists),
- Schepping in Zes Letterlijke Dagen? (Dutch; Creation in Six Literal
Days?), MiG.
- Science, Scripture & the Importance of Worldview in Education
and Using Scientific Discoveries to Open Minds and Build Faith
(Dutch slides, English speaking), MiG.
- Waarom de Schepping zo Belangrijk is (Dutch; Why Creation Matters),
- Walking with Dinosaurs (Dutch slides), MiG.
- Zondvloed, Fossielen & Geloof (Dutch; The Flood, Fossils &
Faith), MiG.